Eye lift – eye pads for any cream – special offer

Eye lift – eye pads for any cream – special offer

March is a special month when we focus especially on women – their strength, determination and extraordinary ability to combine multiple roles at once. On 8 March, we celebrate Women's Day, a holiday that provides an excellent opportunity to reflect on the great role women play in the family, society and business world. While pursuing their passions, developing careers and inspiring others to action, women are the pillars of home.


Intensive moisture face cream in a New, Elegant Packaging!

Intensive moisture face cream in a New, Elegant Packaging!

Dear Customers, We have important news for you! With the latest batch, our Intensive moisture face cream is getting a fresh, elegant look. It will now come in a tall glass bottle, just like our well-known collagen products and other creams. This change ensures a cohesive Colway International product line and makes your daily skincare routine feel even more luxurious.


Cykl ON-TOUR "Power of Women"

Cykl ON-TOUR "Power of Women"

Power of Women to wyjątkowa przestrzeń, w której celebrujemy siłę i piękno Kobiet. To spotkania społeczności tworzonych przez niesamowite kobiety Colway International. Z okazji Dnia Kobiet serdecznie zapraszamy na wydarzenia w kilku miastach w Polsce. Spotkania są skierowane do każdej kobiety – zarówno tych, które pragną odkryć swoją wewnętrzną siłę i pewność siebie, jak i tych, które chcą dzielić się swoimi doświadczeniami i inspirować inne.


Wellness by Colway International - 28 days to better well-being!

Wellness by Colway International - 28 days to better well-being!

The beginning of the year is the best time for changes. Many of us make resolutions to get healthy, feel better and take care of ourselves. However, the key to success is regularity and consistency in action. That is why we have created a unique offer: Wellness - “28 days to better well-being”!
